Women's Work
Women's Work / Spicy Zucchini Relish
Traditionally relish was a product, produced in the home by women in times when everyone grew and preserved what food they could at home. When there was over-supply in the garden women mobilized to produce fabulous preserves of all kinds. Zucchini grows so well in our part of Sydney, so, like our female lineage we preserve the abundance of beautiful produce available to us with this delightful Spicy Zucchini Relish.
Expect the nutty, slightly sweet taste of a zucchini enhanced with a good pinch of chilli.
- On a slice of cheddar
- As a spread
- On a charcuterie or cheese board
- For dolloping on the bottom of a quiche before cooking for a little surprise when you serve
- For tossing through hot or cold pasta with some flaked smoked salmon and olive oil